Meet Your 2021-2022 Drama Club Officers!
Theatre President: Emma Hunt
This is Emma’s senior year at Oak, and she is beyond thrilled to lead the most amazing group of people in the community. She's involved in FHS, NEHS, NHS, Social Studies Honor Society, and Student Council. In her free time, she’s usually playing guitar, listening to Billy Joel, or baking.
Theatre Vice President: Dane Forsythe
Dane is so excited to be the KOT vice president! Dane is going to be a senior this year and is also a Choir ambassador, Spirit committee head and the Class of 2022 Treasurer. Dane is thrilled to get to spend his last year in high school with the best theatre family in the world!

Theatre Secretary: Vanessa Darko

Vanessa Darko is a senior at Klein Oak and happy to present herself as the Secretary for KOT. Her passion does not just stop at theatre as she is the Choir Social Committee Head, the NHS Historian, and participates in the Tri-M Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, Stuco, FCCLA, the DoSomething Organization, NEHS the Environmental Club, and so on. Vanessa’s hope for this upcoming school year is that the students can bond and perpetuate the family KOT has always been!
Theatre Publicist: Nicole Imhoff
Nicole is a Senior this year and is super excited to be an officer for the second year in a row! She is involved all over the school as Student Council President, Debate Vice President, Senior Class Vice President, Social Studies Honor Society Publicist, and a member of NEHS She loves being on tech and is super excited for the upcoming year with her favorite people in the world!

Theatre Historian: Natalia Vazquez
Natalia is a Junior this year and she is so excited to be Klein Oak Theatre’s Historian! She is involved in Student Council, Class Officer, and Yearbook Officer, as well as SNHS! She is looking forward to an action packed year and can’t wait to work with the amazing officers! :)